My associations with Water: a still lake shimmers under the heat of high summer. Ocean waves crash upon the beach, and in the distance a whale breaches, jumping in its joy to be alive. Through the web of water our relationships are woven, our emotions are entangled.
Sections: People | Pictures | Polyamory | Sexuality
Friends, Acquaintances, and Random Wierdos
People (with web pages) who I have actually met in real life:
People (with web pages) who I have never actually met but think are nifty, or at least their web pages are:
And then there are the LiveJournals...
They say funny things.
Some of my friends' photo pages:
Laurel's photos
Polyamory literally means "many loves" and refers to a lifestyle open to multiple concurrent relationships. There are as many ways to "do poly" as there are religious sects, of course, but these links should give you an idea...
Poly Links
The alt.polyamory FAQ
Poly Boston
The Ethical Slut by Easton and Liszt. Recommended reading!!
Bisexuality Resource Center
New England Leather Association
Fetish Fair Fleamarket