Feline Resh
One standard practice for Thelemites is that of "saying Resh" four times a day - dawn, midday, sunset, and midnight. The traditional one is Liber Resh vel Helios. This is an alternate version, to Bast and Sekhmet (who are my personal Deities); written by Tyger Brightfield.
Welcome, O Bast, thou Left Eye of Ra
Flexing thy claws to awake from the night
Welcome, O Sekhmet, thou Right eye of Ra
Yawning and stretching to bring in the light
We greet thee, Bright Ones, from the abodes of night.
Bright Eye of Ra, burning above
Bast watches patiently
Fierce Eye of Ra, destroyer of shadows
Sekhmet stares down relentlessly
We greet thee, Burning Ones, from the abodes of morning.
Magnificent Bast, Left Eye of Ra
Purring into softening light
Majestic Sekhmet, Right Eye of Ra
Relaxing into golden motion
We greet thee, Beautiful Ones, from the abodes of day.
The Left Eye of Ra is closed.
Bast hunts.
The Right Eye of Ra is closed.
Sekhmet prowls.
We greet thee, Fierce Ones, from the abodes of evening.