Subject: Re: Creation or Evolution? You Decide :) B) From: Tommy the Terrorist Newsgroups: You know, you have a point here... But there's another conspiracy of misinformation concerning the Divine Creation of which you may not be aware... HOW is it that a baby comes to exist? We are told that it is a gradual process of spontaneous development, in which two tiny cells join together and somehow develop themselves into a whole little baby. Now, I'm sure that for anyone with an open mind on the question of evolution, warning bells should already be ringing! Just as atheistic schoolteachers try to convince children that Man developed from soulless apes, and so is nothing more than mere matter himself, so they attempt to convince them that a little baby develops from tiny insentient cells, and likewise is nothing more. The fact that these things are taught in the context of "sex-ed" courses, and are often used to justify the murderous act of abortion, should further arouse suspicion! Clearly, if an adult is a human being, and a baby is a human being, and a fetus is a human being, then that human being didn't come out of nowhere at all --- it doesn't make any sense. A fetus has a beating heart, just like an adult --- did that arise spontaneously out of somebody's sperm? The idea is preposterous! Just consider the intricate design of every organ of the body --- all from two little cells??? In the early days of sperm 'science', fraudulent drawings were made of sperms containing little babies inside them to serve as the blueprint; but when these were exposed as false, the paradox never went away. The creation of a human being must be a miraculous process, proceeding from an infinitely sentient and powerful Creator who lovingly rewards his faithful with the power to give birth to a baby. The scientific hypothesis of slow growth is utterly bankrupt because it is against common sense, and relies only on the most desperate assumption that all the abortions and malfunctions pulled out of various women must add up to a continuous process of growth --- thus presuming the result which it attempts to deliver. The alternate hypothesis is that a baby is a unique and divine Creation, and there is evidence to that effect. After all, we know that God placed the infant Christ into Mary's womb, and that He in fact was not of the same flesh as mortal men, because that is what God willed. And we have all heard the traditional explanation that babies are brought by a stork or some other migratory bird. While the interpretations of such explanations, as with the Seven Days of Creation, may vary and in some cases conflict with science, we must carefully consider whether we should trust the hypotheses of scientists, who are doubtless afraid of ridicule should they actually observe a stork bringing a fetus to a prospective mother and releasing it into her womb, perhaps while she is in a divine sleep. Or should we instead trust the Bible and our faith, and our common sense as well, and understand that miracles happen every day, and sometimes, they are brought by the stork? It is the height of atheist arrogance that stork science is not presented to children as a valid alternative to spontaneous gestation in their courses at school.