(Note: these are my actual notes from my Calc in 3-D class, August 27, 1998) I. How to Stay Awake in Class 1. Doodle 2. Invent new alphabet 3. Bring fancy calculator. Program Tetris onto it. Play. 4. Make silly lists. 5. Take notes. Backwards. 6. Compose epic poetry. 7. Sex fantasies. (No, no, not with the TA!!!) 8. Start digging an escape tunnel with your left toe. Inconspicuously. 9. If you have long hair, braid it. If not, braid somebody else's. 10. Systematically crack every bone you can without getting up. Twice. 11. Learn to throw your voice. Get other students in trouble. 12. Analyze prof/TA's handwriting. Prove from this that s/he's psycho. 13. Make Up Acronyms (MUA) 14. Chew on various parts of your body. Analyze the pain that results.