Pictures of me

Me in Paris, summer 1995
Studio picture taken spring 1996
Another photo from the same, spring 1996
My senior picture, fall 1996
Me in SCA garb, winter 1996
Ninkip and I, winter 1996
The Charlotte Observer worships Lissa, spring 1997
Me breaking into the Pentagon, summer 1997
Me at my grandparents' house, VA Beach, summer 1997
Why I like the mountains, summer 1997
Me in Cyert Hall at CMU, fall 1997
From Daisy's page- I have no idea when this was taken. Probably fall or winter 1997.
The Cyert picture modified by LAW, spring 1998
My first time in a Kiltie Band getup, spring 1999
Evil Taarna/Xena: A truly scary costume. Halloween 1999 (snarfed from Laurel's page)
My sorry ass learning to skate again, spring 2000 (also snarfed from Laurel)
Trying on stuff at Adult World at Heather's bachelorette party, spring 2000 (more snarfage)
Senior year School of Art photo, spring 2001
My senior photo, spring 2001
Me with Dave and Andrea at the Spring Unity Ritual, spring 2001
Perching on a table watching Eloria work her new camera. Also from the ritual.
Nicky and I, with Conon in the background providing bunny ears, fall 2001

For pictures of my friends, go here.
For pictures I've taken, go here.

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